Data challenges

Challenges 2018

Predicting volatility on financial markets

Presented by Éric Lebigot of Capital Fund Management
The aim of the challenge is to predict the end-of-day volatility of US equities based on their historical beginning-of-day returns.

Celebrity identification

Presented by Éric Lebigot of Capital Fund Management
The aim of the challenge is to predict the end-of-day volatility of US equities based on their historical beginning-of-day returns.

Prediction of hourly electricity production by production unit in France

Presented by Antoine Chassang from Reminiz
The aim is to identify faces appearing in videos from a reference dictionary of celebrity faces.

Prediction of complaints in e-commerce transactions

Presented by Vincent Michel from PriceMinister - Rakuten France
The aim is to predict whether or not an e-commerce transaction will give rise to a claim, and if so, of what type, based on the characteristics of the transaction.

Prediction of expected response to pharmaceutical questions

Presented by Emmanuel Bilbault from Posos
The aim is to categorize pharmaceutical questions according to the type of response expected.

Predicting the energy performance of buildings

Presented by Sylvain Le Corff from Oze-Energies
The aim is to predict energy consumption and indoor building temperatures based on outdoor temperatures and a reduced number of parameters describing the building's structure and settings.

Genome-based disease prediction

Presented by Gilles Wainrib of Owkinen, in collaboration with Inserm
The aim is to predict whether an individual will develop a certain disease based on genome-specific data.

Predicting wind power generation

Presented by Paul Poncet of Engie
The aim is to predict the wind energy production of four wind turbines based on their various operating parameters.

Predicting the dynamics of supercooled liquids

Presented by François Landes of Giulio Biroli 's team, IPhT CEA & ENS Paris
The aim is to predict the mobility of different particles within a system from their initial positions and velocities.

Sleep stage classification

Presented by Valentin Thorey from Rythm
The aim is to predict an individual's sleep stage from 30 seconds of EEG, accelerometer and pulse oximeter signals.

Residual oil saturation prediction

Presented by Jean-François Lecomte, IFPEN
The aim is to use the 3D pore structure of a rock to determine its type, as well as to predict the amount of residual oil (crude oil) trapped and the size distribution of residual oil clusters.

Predicting the winning team in an NBA game

Presented by Sébastien Loustau from LumenAI
The aim is to predict which team will win an NBA game, based on key indicators (score, fouls, etc.) of the first half's progress, recorded every second.

Prediction of publication approval

Presented by Nies Lubbers from Dassault Systèmes
The aim is to predict for each user of a social and collaborative application the 5 publications they are most likely to like, based on a history of publication approval by a set of users.