Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2020-2021 - The influence of language and symbols on perception and cognition

2019-2020 - Lectures not held this year for health reasons due to Covid-19

2018-2019 - Recent advances in brain imaging and decoding mental representations

2017-2018 - The origins of language and the uniqueness of the human species

2016-2017 - Speech, music, mathematics: the languages of the brain

2015-2016 - Brain representation of linguistic structures

2014-2015 - Cognitive foundations of school learning

2013-2014 - No lectures this year

2011-2012 - The statistical brain: the Bayesian revolution in cognitive science

2010-2011 - Introspection and metacognition: the mechanisms of self-knowledge

2009-2010 - Access to consciousness

2008-2009 - The cognitive unconscious and the depth of subliminal operations

2007-2008 - The cognitive foundations of elementary arithmetic

2006-2007 - Brain mechanisms of reading

2005-2006 - The role of brain imaging in cognitive psychology