Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2014-2015 - Fifty years of revolutions in atomic physics and atomic optics

2013-2014 - The control of isolated quantum particles (II). Interacting cold Ryberg atoms

2012-2013 - Controlling isolated quantum particles

2011-2012 - Quantum information with real or artificial atoms and photons in cavities

2010-2011 - Synthesis, control and protection of quantum states

2009-2010 - Synthesis and reconstruction of quantum states

2007-2008 - Non-destructive quantum measurements

2006-2007 - Cold atom entanglement experiments

2005-2006 - Quantum entanglement and information: where do experiments stand?

2004-2005 - Decoherence control: theory and experiments

2003-2004 - Mesoscopic superpositions of states

2002-2003 - Decoherence and the quantum classical limit

2001-2002 - Intrication, complementarity and decoherence: from thought experiments to quantum information