
Born on July 22, 1942 in Boulogne-Billancourt.

Education and professional career

An alumnus of the École polytechnique and a Doctor of Science, he spent most of his career at the CNRS, where he was Director of Research (exceptional class) before being appointed Professor at the Collège de France in 1998. He joined the Institut Pasteur in 1972 and, since 1979, has headed a research unit affiliated to INSERM since 1980 (U. 277 since 1987). In January 2000, he was appointed Director General of the Institut Pasteur. He is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, a professor at the Institut Pasteur and a member of the Academia Europea. He has held numerous positions of responsibility in research administration and in the application of genetics and immunology in both the public sector (notably at the French Ministry of Research) and the private sector (from 1992 to 1995, he was Director of Research at Pasteur-Mérieux-Connaught). He is the author of over three hundred publications in international journals, a report on the precautionary principle submitted to the French Prime Minister, and several books: "Les Artisans de l'hérédité", "La Science en partage", "Du bon usage du principe de précaution".

Learned societies and academies

  • 1980 : Member of EMBO
  • 1990 : Member of Academia Europea
  • 1997 : Member of the Académie des Sciences, corresponding member since 1990

Awards and distinctions

  • 1986 : International Immunopathology Prize
  • 1990 : Lacassagne Prize, Collège de France
  • 1998 : Officer of the Legion of Honor
  • 2000 : International Prize for Research in Medical Sciences
  • 2001 : Commander of the Order of Merit
  • 2001 : Honorary doctorate from the University of La Sapienza (Rome)
  • 2005 : Doctor honoris causa , Université du Québec
  • 2009 : Commander of the Légion d'honneur

Selected bibliography