
Marc Henneaux holds a doctorate in physics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, 1980). He was Visiting Fellow at Princeton University (1978-1979) and a researcher at the University of Texas at Austin (1981-1985) before joining the FNRS (Belgium) and being appointed Professor at ULB (1993-2020).

He has been Director of the Solvay Institutes since 2004. He was elected Professor of the Collège de France's Fields, Strings and Gravitychairin 2017.

Marc Henneaux was also Scientific Director of JHEP (Journal of High Energy Physics) from 2006 to 2018.

Marc Henneaux's research is devoted to the study of theoretical models describing fundamental physical interactions, with a particular focus on their symmetries and on gravitation. This research has been supported by two "  ERCAdvanced Grants " (2011-2015) and (2016-2021).

Main awards

  • 2000 : Francqui Prize (Belgium)
  • Since 2002 : Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium
  • 2009 : Humboldt Research Prize (Germany)
  • 2010 : Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Craiova (Romania)
  • 2014 : Bogoliubov Prize, JINR (Dubna, Russia) with V. Rubakov
  • Period 2011-2015 : FNRS Quinquennial Prize (exact sciences)
  • Since 2015 : Baron (Belgium)

Selected bibliography

  • Quantization of Gauge Systems

    Henneaux M. and Teitelboim C., Quantization of Gauge Systems, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992, 520 p.

  • The Cosmological Singularity

    Belinski V. and Henneaux M., The Cosmological Singularity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 263  p.

  • Central Charges in the Canonical Realization of Asymptotic Symmetries: An example from Three-Dimensional Gravity

    Brown J. D. and Henneaux M., " Central Charges in the Canonical Realization of Asymptotic Symmetries: An Example from Three-Dimensional Gravity ", Commun. Math. Phys. n° 104, 1986, p. 207-226.

  • Geometry of the 2+1 Black Hole

    Bañados M., Henneaux M., Teitelboim C. and Zanelli J., " Geometry of the 2+1 Black Hole ", Phys. Rev. vol. 48, no. 4, 1993, p. 1506-1525.

  • Local BRST Cohomology in the Antifield Formalism: I. General Theorems

    Barnich G., Brandt D. and Henneaux M., " Local BRST Cohomology in the Antifield Formalism: I. General Theorems ", Commun. Math. Phys. n° 174, 1995, p. 57-92.

  • E(10) and a small tension expansion of M-Theory

    Damour T., Henneaux M. and Nivolai H., " E(10) and a small tension expansion of M-Theory ", Phys. Rev. Lett. n° 89, 2002.