Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2010-2011 - The kings of Mesopotamia and their prophets (II)

2009-2010 - The kings of Mesopotamia and their prophets (I)

2007-2008 - Divination and power in Mesopotamia

2006-2007 - The ideal Bedouin lifestyle in the Amorite period

2005-2006 - The ideal Bedouin lifestyle in the Amorite period

2004-2005 - The haBirum problem and the etymology of the term "Hebrew

2003-2004 - Amorrite near east XVIIIᵉ century BC

2002-2003 - Study of religious beliefs in Syrian Bedouin society during the Amorite period

2001-2002 - Group structure in Bedouin society

2000-2001 - The social group in the Amorite period and its capacity to welcome people

1999-2000 - Society of the Kingdom of Mari (XIXᵉ and XVIIIᵉ century BC)