Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2013-2014 - Twenty years of Avestic and Mazdean studies

2012-2013 - The Zarathushtra Gâthâs and the origins of Mazdaism (continued)

2011-2012 - The Zarathushtra Gâthâs and the origins of Mazdaism

2010-2011 - The Mazdean pantheon: gods that survive and gods that are born

2009-2010 - Out of sacrifice

2008-2009 - The notion of the pre-existing soul

2007-2008 - 1. Metamorphosis of the Avestic pantheon; 2. Recent controversies on Old Avestic texts

2006-2007 - Liturgy, pantheon and dialectics of souls

2005-2006 - Current issues in Zoroastrian philology and religion

2004-2005 - Details on certain aspects of the history of Zoroastrian studies

2003-2004 - No lectures this year

2002-2003 - The Mazdean eulogy of intoxication

2001-2002 - Religious ideology in the inscriptions of Darius and Xerxes

2000-2001 - Why has Avestic philology endorsed the pre-scientific myth of Zoroaster?