Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2020-2021 - Crises in the East: the failure of Arab unity from 1956 onwards

2019-2020 - Crises in the East: the origins of authoritarianism from 1949 onwards

2018-2019 - Crises in the East, British hegemony 1926-1956

2017-2018 - Eastern crises: the Middle East from 1914 onwards

2016-2017 - The Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the XIXᵉ

2014-2015 - The question of Palestine, the end of the peace process (August 2000 - February 2001)

2013-2014 - The question of Palestine 1996-2000

2012-2013 - The question of Palestine from 1993 onwards

2011-2012 - The Palestine question from 1986 to 1992

2010-2011 - The question of Palestine from 1982 onwards

2009-2010 - The Palestine question from the October 1973 war onwards

2008-2009 - History of the Palestine question between October 1969 and October 1973

2007-2008 - The Palestine question from June 1967 to October 1969

2006-2007 - The Palestine question from 1954 onwards

2005-2006 - Europe and the Muslim world in the XIXᵉ century (continued)

2004-2005 - Europe and the Muslim world in the XIXᵉ century

2003-2004 - The question of Palestine