Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2009-2010 - The "Slaves of the Ottoman Porte" (II): Recruitment, training, careers

2008-2009 - The Ottoman "Slaves of the Porte" (I): Introduction

2007-2008 - Istanbul, a diplomatic crossroads: the establishment of permanent European embassies

2006-2007 - Ottoman diplomatic missions in Europe before the establishment of permanent embassies

2005-2006 - Ottoman diplomacy in Europe (I) : Legal foundations

2004-2005 - The Ottoman frontier in Europe until the end of the XVIIᵉ

2003-2004 - The Ottoman Empire and Europe

2002-2003 - The servants of the two holy shrines

2001-2002 - A genealogy of the Ottoman caliphate

2000-2001 - Murâd 1er

1999-2000 - The Ottoman Sultan