Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2010-2011 - Gandhāra, land of passage, exchange and creation

2009-2010 - Sixty years of research into the history of ancient India

2008-2009 - Reading the Sanskrit text of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa (continued)

2007-2008 - Reading of the Sanskrit text of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa

2006-2007 - The Guptas and Indian nationalism

2005-2006 - Buddhism on the right bank of the Oxus River

2004-2005 - No teaching this year

2003-2004 - The rise of Buddhism in north-western India

2001-2002 - Afghanistan and Afghans

2000-2001 - Problems of method in Indian history

1999-2000 - No teaching this year

1998-1999 - The Sanskrit text of the Sukhāvatīvyūha

1997-1998 - Kaniska and the chronology of ancient India

1996-1997 - Sanskrit Saddharmapunḍarīka (II)

1995-1996 - Sanskrit Saddharmapunḍarīka (I)

1994-1995 - Silk Roads and pseudo-Silk Roads (II): archaeological sites on the Karakorum Highway (Pakistan)

1993-1994 - Silk roads and pseudo-silk roads (I)

1992-1993 - Culture clashes: Greeks, Indians and Kushans around our era. Part two: the origins of Gandhāra art

1991-1992 - Culture clashes: Greeks, Indians and Kushans around our era

1990-1991 - Literary procedures and religious conceptions in the Lalitavistara

1989-1990 - The Lalitavistara as text

1988-1989 - The first writing systems in India

1987-1988 - The populations of ancient India, according to the texts

1986-1987 - The notion of Indian unity in antiquity (III): Indian populations in Buddhist and epic texts. Àryas and Mlecchas

1985-1986 - The notion of Indian unity in antiquity (II) : Indian sources

1984-1985 - The notion of Indian unity in antiquity (I) : Greek and Latin authors