Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2020-2021 - Iranian prestige silverware: a mode of political and ideological expression. 1) Sassanid silverware

2019-2020 - No lectures this year

2018-2019 - No lectures this year

2018-2019 - Bactria and Sogdiana on either side of the Arab conquest, VIIᵉ-IXᵉ century: a civilizational tipping point?

2017-2018 - Central Asian communities in China, IIIᵉ-VIIIᵉ s.: social role, religions, art

2016-2017 - Ferdowsi's Book of Kings and the Sistani epics: textual strata, iconographic strata

2015-2016 - The rediscovery of Manichaean didactic art

2014-2015 - The urban fact in pre-Islamic Central Asia: diachronic approach, synchronic approach. 2. Were the "cities" of ancient Khorezm really cities?

2013-2014 - The urban fact in pre-Islamic Central Asia: diachronic and synchronic approaches