
Born on April  1933 in Constantine.

Education and professional career

  • 1953-1957 : École normale supérieure
  • 1957 : Agrégation in physical sciences
  • 1957-1959 : Military service
  • 1960-1964 : Research associate at CNRS
  • 1962 : Doctorat d'État
  • 1964-1967 : Lecturer at the Paris Faculty of Science
  • 1967-1973 : Professor, Faculty of Science, Paris
  • 1973-2004 : Professor at the Collège de France, chair Atomic and molecular physics
  • Since 2004 : Honorary Professor at the Collège de France

Conference organization, summer school

  • Scientific co-director, with A. Blandin, of the 1964 session of the École d'Été des Houches : Quantum Optics and Electronics, Gordon and Breach, 1965.
  • Scientific co-director, with A. Lichnerowicz, of the colloquium organized by the Fondation Hugot of the Collège de France on : Les implications conceptuelles de la Physique Quantique, Journal de Physique, Colloque C2, supplement to n° 3, 42, March 1981.
  • Scientific co-responsible, with A. Aspect, of the international colloquium organized by the Fondation Hugot du Collège de France on : Ultra-cold atoms - New perspectives for fundamental physics (Paris, March 1990).

Selected bibliography

Main works

  • Quantum Optics and Electronics/Optique et Électronique Quantiques

    De Wiit C., Blandin A. and Cohen-Tannoudji C., Quantum Optics and Electronics/Optique et Électronique Quantiques, New York, Gordon and Breach, coll. "Les Houches", 1965.

  • Photons and atoms, Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics

    Cohen-Tannoudji C., Dupont-Roc J., and Grynberg G., Photons et atomes, Introduction à l'Électrodynamique Quantique, Paris, InterEditions/Éditions du C.N.R.S., English translation: Photons and Atoms, Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics, New York, Wiley, New York, 1989.

  • Photon-Atom Interaction Processes

    Cohen-Tannoudji C., Dupont-Roc J., and Grynberg G., Processus d'Interaction entre Photons et Atomes, Paris, InterEditions/Éditions du C.N.R.S., English translation: Atom-Photon Interactions : Basic Processes and applications, New York, Wiley, New-York, 1992.

  • Atoms in Electromagnetic Fields

    Cohen-Tannoudji C., Atoms in Electromagnetic Fields, Singapore, World Scientific, 1994.

  • Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling. How rare events bring atoms to rest

    Bardou F., Bouchaud J.-P., Aspect A. and Cohen-Tannoudji C., Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling. How rare events bring atoms to rest, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

  • Advances in Atomic Physics. An Overview

    Cohen-Tannoudji C. and Guéry-Odelin D., Advances in Atomic Physics. An Overview, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2011.

  • Quantum Mechanics, Volume I

    Cohen-Tannoudji C., Diu B. and Laloë D., Quantum Mechanics [1973], tome I, CNRS/EDP Sciences, 2018, 930 p

  • Quantum Mechanics, Volume II

    Cohen-Tannoudji C., Diu B. and Laloë D., Quantum Mechanics [1973], tome II, CNRS/EDP Sciences, 2018, 1606 p.

  • Quantum mechanics, volume III: Fermions, bosons, photons, correlations and entanglement

    Cohen-Tannoudji C., Diu B. and Laloë D., Mécanique quantique, tome III : Fermions, bosons, photons, corrélations et intrication, CNRS/EDP Sciences, 2019, 2402 p.