
Born on March 4 1962 in Saint-Leu-la-forêt (Val-d'Oise, France). Married, five children.

Education and professional career

  • 1981 : Entry to ENS Sèvres
  • 1983 : Agrégation
  • 1986 : Thesis (supervisor A. Beauville) ; joined CNRS
  • 1989 : Habilitation to direct research
  • 1995 : Director of Research at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu (DRCE2 since October 2014)
  • 2007-2009 : Secondment to IHES
  • 2012-2014 : Part-time professor at École polytechnique, member of the Centre de mathématiques Laurent-Schwartz
  • 2015-2020 : Professor at the Collège de France, Chair of Algebraic Geometry

Awards and honors

  • 1988 : CNRS Bronze Medal
  • 1989 : IBM Young Researcher Prize
  • 1992 : Peccot lecture Variations of Hodge structure and algebraic cycles "
  • 1992 : European Mathematical Society Prize
  • 1996 : Servant Prize awarded by the French Academy of Sciences
  • 2003 : Sophie Germain Prize awarded by the Académie des Sciences
  • 2006 : CNRS Silver Medal
  • 2006- : Foreign member of Istituto Lombardo
  • 2007 : Satter Prize awarded by the American Math. Society
  • 2008 : Clay Research Award from the Clay Institute
  • 2009- : Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
  • 2010- : Member of the French Academy of Sciences
  • 2011- : Foreign member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
  • 2012- : Honorary Member of the London Mathematical Society
  • 2014- : Member of the Academia Europea (The Academy of Europe)
  • 2015 : Heinz Hopf Prize (ETH Zürich)
  • 2016 : CNRS Gold Medal
  • 2017 : Winner of the Shaw Prize
  • 2019 : Winner of the L'Oréal-UNESCO International Prize for Women in Science for Europe