Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2017-2018 - Hearing loss: the therapies of the future

2016-2017 - Neurogenetics of auditory physiology

2013-2014 - The auditory system and its aggressors

2012-2013 - The voice: production and perception

2011-2012 - Auditory perception: development and plasticity

2009-2010 - Hearing and noise, from physiology to pathology

2008-2009 - Sound source localization: monaural and binaural signal processing

2007-2008 - Acoustic signal processing: from the auditory sensory cell to the superior olivary complex

2006-2007 - The cilium: the evolutionary success of a sensory-motor alliance

2005-2006 - Synaptic transmission in the cochlea and retina: "The ribbon affair

2004-2005 - Chemical synapses: physiology and molecular dynamics

2003-2004 - Sound frequency analysis mechanisms

2002-2003 - Auditory mechano-electrical transduction