Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

2019-2020 - "Vita nova" from Dante to Roland Barthes

2017-2018 - The tradition of classics: how to inherit

2016-2017 - Paradigms for a metaphorology III: Landmarks of the invisible

2015-2016 - Paradigms for a metaphorology II: words of ice and snow

2014-2015 - Paradigms for a metaphorology I: "The plant is the model of man"

2013-2014 - Spanish Baroque and European Baroque

2012-2013 - Erasmus and Europe: from Johan Huizinga to Marcel Bataillon

2009-2010 - Lectura Dantis: Hell

2006-2007 - Bringing life to life. The icon-novel

2005-2006 - Leopardi: thought and poetry

2004-2005 - "En pure perte": renunciation and gratuit (texts from the XIXᵉ and XXᵉ centuries)

2003-2004 - The "Secretum" and Petrarch's poetry

2002-2003 - Michelangelo's poetry: idea and grace

2001-2002 - "A lume spento": Dante in the XXᵉ century (from Pound to Borges)

2000-2001 - "This exact and tense apprehension": Le Tasse, from Montaigne to Rousseau

1999-2000 - "Illic Roma fuit". The Roman idea in the XIXᵉ and XXᵉ centuries