
Anne Fagot-Largeault, PhD (Stanford 1971), MD (Paris 1978), Doctor of Letters and Humanities (Doctorat d'Etat, Paris 1986).

Professor emeritus at the Collège de France (Chair of Philosophy of Biological and Medical Sciences). Long-time consultant specialist at the Assistance publique de Paris (Mondays, Créteil, Hôpital Henri Mondor, psychiatric emergencies).
Member of the Institut de France (Académie des sciences), associate member of the Académie royale de Belgique (section des humanités), member of the Académie internationale de philosophie des sciences, member (2007- 2011) of the board of the Division de logique, méthodologie et philosophie des sciences (DLMPS) of the Union internationale d'histoire et philosophie des sciences, honorary president of the Institut International de Philosophie (IIP).

Her work focuses on the history and philosophy of life sciences, from both theoretical (epistemology, biological ontology) and practical (ethics) angles. His work has followed three main directions: (1) diagnostic reasoning, inductive logic, statistics and probabilities, heuristic procedures; (2) investigation of causal links, proofs of causality, causal explanation, ontology of becoming; (3) ethics and knowledge, methodology of clinical research, ethics of biomedical investigation, biological epistemology, biomedical anthropology.

Author of numerous publications, including: Médecine et probabilités, Paris: Didier-érudition, 1982; L'homme bioéthique. Pour une déontologie de la recherche sur le vivant, Paris: Maloine, 1985; Les causes de la mort. Histoire naturelle et facteurs de risque, Paris: Vrin, 1989; with D. Andler and B. Saint-Sernin, Philosophie des sciences, 2 vols, Paris: Gallimard, 2002; with S. Rahman and J. M. Torres, The Influence of Genetics on Contemporary Thinking, Dordrecht: Springer, 2007; Médecine et philosophie, Paris: Puf, 2010.