Professor's lectures and seminars summaries

1980-1981 - Apocryphal sūtra in China and Tibet | Formation of Lamaism during the dark ages of Tibetan history (ca. 850-1030)

1979-1980 - Particular forms of Buddhism

1978-1979 - China | Research into the beginnings of Lamaism (Tibet)

1977-1978 - The female forms of Kouan-yin | Research on phur-bu (continued)

1976-1977 –

1975-1976 - The two great mandalas of Sino-Japanese Tantrism | Some objects of Tibetan Tantrism

1974-1975 - New problems in Sino-Japanese tantrism | Transmutation ritual objects in Tibetan tantrism

1973-1974 - Some problems of Chinese Tantrism | Research on the Rudra story (Tibet)

1972-1973 - Conceptions of food (China) | Problems of tantric mythology and ritual (Tibet)

1971-1972 - Mystical speculations and themes relating to the "kitchens" of Taoism

1970-1971 - Religious Taoism's kitchen parties

1969-1970 - Popular cults in organized Taoism

1968-1969 - Bonpo stories about the first men

1967-1968 - Taoist texts on the transmission of revealed books

1966-1967 - Aspects of sworn faith in China