
Born February 18, 1939 

Education and professional career

  • 1957-1958 : Baccalauréat in mathematics and philosophy
  • 1963 : Civil engineer in mining and metallurgy
  • 1963 : Degree in psychology
  • 1963 : Attaché, chargé, maître then director of research at CNRS
  • 1966 : Doctorate in engineering
  • 1973 : Doctorate in natural sciences
  • 1981-1993 : CNRS physiology of work laboratory for 15 years, then creation and management of the CNRS neurosensory physiology laboratory
  • Since 1983 : Professor of the physiology of perception and action
  • Since 1983 : Director of the Laboratory of Perception and Action Physiology - UMR 7152 - Collège de France/CNRS
  • Lectures in France in numerous DEAs (biomechanics, neuroscience at Paris-VI, cognitive science at Paris-VI)
  • Visiting professor at McGill University (1983), Montreal, Pew McDonnell Centre for Cognitive Science, Oxford University (1991), University of Pisa (1997), University of Tübingen and Pavia (1998)
  • Since 1989 : Head of the computational neuroscience program of the DEA in Cognitive Science, University of Paris-VI
  • 1991 : Organizer of the major prospective symposium on cognitive sciences, Paris, for the MRT
  • 1993-2010 : Professor at the Collège de France, holding the Physiology of Perception and Action Chair
  • 1994 : Coordinator of a BIOMED project, CEE
  • 1985 : Co-rapporteur of the Physiology of Work working group, CNRS
  • Expert in sensory physiology (Ministry of Labor)
  • Head of a European project (MUCOM) on " Multisensory control of movement ", part of the " Basic Research in Cognitive Science " ESPRIT program II
  • Consultant for the National Institute of Health (USA), the National Science Foundation (USA), the Swiss National Fund for Medical Research, and for the European programs : Brain, ESPRIT, Capital Mobility as well as for the international program Frontières Humaines

Selected bibliography