Share Facebook LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Copy url Alain Supiot - Online lectures Back to biography and publications Online conferences Public lecture at the Université de tous les savoirs on "La contractualisation de la société", Paris, CNAM, February 22, 2000 L'inscription territoriale des lois, Conference at the official opening of the Bordeaux universities, October 23, 2008 Interview on The Spirit of Philadelphia, part 1 - January 2010 Interview on The Spirit of Philadelphia, part 2 - January 2010 Interview in the Voices on Social Justice series organized by the ILO to mark the World Day of Social Justice (January 2010) Conference-debate - Alain Supiot and Jean-Claude Guillebaud: Social rights in the marketplace Inaugural lecture at the Collège de France - Paris, November 29, 2012 Le règne de la loi. Les avatars d'un idéal - Lecture at Nantes Law School, October 15, 2014 Do statistics make the law? - France Culture, May 14, 2015 Le futur du travail : Intervention au ILO research seminar on the Future of Work - International Labour Organization, Geneva, January 19, 2016 "Dialogue with Bernard Thibault, member of the Governing Body of the International Labor Organization and former General Secretary of the CGT "Croisement des savoirs et reconnaissance de la pauvreté", "Ce que la Misère donne à penser" meeting - Institut de France and Fondation Joseph Wresinski, June 4, 2018 "Du savoir à la connaissance de la pauvreté", Speech at the interacademic meeting "Ce que la misère donne à penser" - Institut de France and ATD Fourth World, June 4, 2018 Chair Alain Supiot The Social State and Globalization: A Legal Analysis of Forms of Solidarity 2012 - 2019