Site Cardinal Lemoine
Salle de conférence de l’Institut des Civilisations
Open to all


Introduction and structure of the database

14  h- 14  h 30 - Welcome (J.-L. Fournet) and tour de table (presentation of participants : body of work and expectations for Ergaleion

14  h 30 - 16  h - Review of the " Contextes et mobiliers " program (P. Ballet) and presentation of the " Realia d'Égypte " Ifao program and the Ergaleion tool : what has been done and what remains to be done (V. Schram)

16  h 30 - 14  h - Conceptual structure and typologies (discussions based on the current structure of the database) :

  • define the structure of the  files: how to describe a " reality " (considered from a theoretical point of view), and the " archaeological remains " of this reality (considered from a material point of view) ;
  • report on discovery contexts ;
  • define typologies and their degree of precision in order to classify realities and easily query the database (also from the point of view of external users).