See also:

V day of the Groupe de recherches transversales en paléographie (GRTP)

The Groupe de recherches transversales en paléographie (GRTP), which aims to develop a transdisciplinary approach to palaeography, invites you to take part in a new day of study and discussion. After having examined the chronological and spatial parameters in the formation, development and diversification of scripts, the relationships between types, styles and hands, and di-/polygraphism, we propose a reflection on illegibility in paleography.

While the purpose of writing is to disseminate information, and the purpose of cryptography is to circumscribe it, there are also intermediate forms of writing that are neither limpid nor coded, and are deliberately designed to be accessible only with difficulty. In these cases, texts are written in a deliberately deformed, aberrant or exaggeratedly stylized script, making them accessible only to a limited category of readers. What is the purpose of these deliberately illegible writings ? What are the methods and intentions of the writers who both express and conceal ? These are just some of the questions to be addressed by the speakers at the5th GRTP study day.

Organized by Jean-Luc Fournet (Collège de France), Judith Olszowy-Schlanger (EPHE) and Marc Smith (ENC - EPHE), as part of PSL Scripta and with the support of the Collège de France.
