Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all
Jack Ralite and Carlo Ossola in Aubervilliers in 2011
Jack Ralite and Carlo Ossola, Aubervilliers 2011

Friday, November 5, 3 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé
Free admission subject to availability

On the occasion of the publication of the volume Les " Lundis du Collège de France à Aubervilliers ". Allocutions de Jack Ralite, texts collected by Carlo Ossola, Turin, Nino Aragno, 2021, p. LII + 242, a tribute to Jack Ralite is organized at the Collège de France under the chairmanship of Pierre Corvol, Honorary Administrator of the Collège de France.

The event will be preceded by the film Six ans et quelques images. Le Collège de France à Aubervilliers (2006-2011).
Edited by Éric Garreau and Denis Ralite (20 min.)


Jack Ralite, humanist

Alain Berthoz, Collège de France
Roger Chartier, Collège de France
Yves Clot, Professor Emeritus of Occupational Psychology, CNAM
Pierre Corvol, Collège de France
Philippe Kourilsky, Collège de France
Carlo Ossola, Collège de France

Reading of poems by René Char by Dominique Blanc, member of the Comédie française.

Jack Ralite and human society

Lucien Marest, Cultural Deputy to Jack Ralite, Commune d'Aubervilliers
Catherine Dan, Assistant Director to Didier Bezace at the Théâtre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers, Director of La Chartreuse in Villeneuve- lès-Avignon
Serge Regourd, Professor Emeritus, President of the Occitanie Culture Commission
Claudine Joseph, General Secretary of the Estates General for Culture
Pierre-André Périssol, Mayor of Moulins, President of Moulins Communauté, former French Minister of Culture

Jack Ralite

Jack Ralite was born on May 14, 1928 in Châlons-sur-Marne. A journalist with L'Humanité, in charge of the radio and television section (1957 to 1963), and responsible for the "culture" pages of the Sunday edition (1968 to 1973), he was elected to the Aubervilliers town council in 1959, and became André Karman's deputy. A member of the board of the Fédération Nationale des Centres Culturels Communaux (1965 to 1973), and a Communist MP since 1973, Jack Ralite joined the government in June 1981, becoming Minister of Health, then of Employment, in Pierre Mauroy's second and third governments from 1981 to 1984.

In 1984, he became head of the Aubervilliers municipal administration and a member of the Île-de-France Regional Council from 1986 to 1992. He was elected Senator on September 24, 1995, and re-elected on September 26, 2004.

He was the driving force behind the "Estates General for Culture" (February 9 to June 17, 1987), which brought together sixteen regional assemblies at the Théâtre de Paris on June 17, 1987, for a Declaration of Cultural Rights. This was an exceptional moment of collective awareness; the testimonies are published in the volume La Culture française se porte bien pourvu qu'on la sauve (Paris, Éditions sociales, 1987). He has served on the boards of the Théâtre du Peuple since 1999, the Festival Paris quartier d'été since 1996, the Cité de la musique between 1999 and 2006, the Théâtre national de la Colline and the Ensemble intercontemporain since 2002, and the Centre des monuments nationaux from 2004 to 2008.

On June 6, 2011, he gave the closing lecture - "Travail et dignité" ("Work and Dignity") - of the five-year Lundis cycle at the Collège de France in Aubervilliers, at the Théâtre de la Commune.

He passed away on November 12, 2017.