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© Kris Van Houcke

Registration for this workshop is now closed.

The workshop will focus on the theoretical and experimental control of correlated quantum matter, emphasizing recent progress and future directions. It will bring together theorists and experimentalists who share the goal of understanding and quantitatively predicting equilibrium properties and dynamical phenomena in strongly correlated many-body systems. Progress towards this goal requires cross-validations between computational, experimental and analytical results, in various fields including ultracold atoms (fermions in optical lattices or near a Feshbach resonance, arrays of Rydberg atoms...), materials (cuprates, frustrated magnets, moiré...), quantum chemistry, or nuclear physics.

The symposium will be held :

  • June 12, 13 afternoon and June 14   : in the Maurice Halbwachs amphitheatre
  • June 13 - morning : campus des Cordeliers, 15 rue de l'École de Médecine

Confirmed speakers

  • Waseem Bakr, Princeton University
  • Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik & LMU
  • Philippe Corboz, University of Amsterdam
  • Kazushi Kanoda, University of Tokyo
  • Thierry Lahaye, Institut d'Optique
  • Alessandro Lovato, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Andrew Millis, Columbia University & Flatiron Institut
  • Anna Minguzzi, CNRS Grenoble
  • Henning Moritz & Cesar Cabrera, Universität Hamburg
  • Olivier Parcollet, Flatiron Institute
  • Anatoli Polkovnikov, Boston University
  • Nikolay Prokof'ev, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Sanjay Reddy, Institute for Nuclear Theory & University of Washington, Seattle
  • Cécile Repellin, CNRS Grenoble
  • Fedor Šimkovic, IQM Quantum Computers, Munich
  • Anna Tamai, University of Geneva
  • André-Marie Tremblay, University of Sherbrooke
  • Steven White, University of California Irvine
  • Dominika Zgid, University of Michigan
  • Martin Zwierlein, MIT


Michel Ferrero, Antoine Georges, Raphael Lopes, Christophe Salomon, Boris Svistunov, Kris Van Houcke and Félix Werner.

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