See also:

The Groupe de recherches transversales en paléographie (GRTP), whose vocation is to develop a transdisciplinary approach to palaeography, invites you to take part in a new day of study and discussion. After having examined the chronological and spatial parameters in the formation, development and diversification of scripts, and the relationships between types, styles and hands, we propose a reflection on di-/polygraphism.

The written counterpart of multilingualism, individual polygraphism is a constant phenomenon in societies of all eras, where various writing systems coexist, often - but not always - linked to several languages. In addition to the methodological problems it poses (how can we detect that the same person is writing when we're dealing with highly heterogeneous writing systems ?), the various contributors will seek, each in their own field, to shed light on the conditions and modalities of learning several scripts by the same individual, as well as the phenomena of interaction or interference that inevitably occur between them.
