Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

Workshop organized by Marco Schiro and Jean Dalibard, Atoms and Radiation Chair.


2 h - 2 h 25 : Adam Nahum, LPENS, Paris
Phase transitions induced by measurement

14 h 35 - 15 h : Benjamin Huard, ENS Lyon
Passive two-photon dissipation for bit-flip error correction of a cat code

15 h 10 - 15 h 35 : Leonardo Mazza, LPTMS, Orsay
Two-body losses in correlated one-dimensional bosonic and fermionic quantum gases

15 h 45 - 16 h 15 : Break

16 h 15 - 16 h 40 : Isabelle Bouchoule, IOGS, Palaiseau
Slow losses in quantum gases with contact interactions with an emphasis on the one-dimensional case

16 h 50 - 17 h 15 : Nathan Goldman, ULB, Brussels
Floquet engineering of nonlinearities and controllable pair-hopping processes: From optical cavities to correlated quantum matter

17 h 25 - 17 h 50 : Tilman Esslinger, ETH, Zürich
Photon-mediated spin-momentum pairs in a quantum gas

18 h : End of symposium