10 am - 1 pm
Jan-Mathieu Carbon, Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge
Introduction : an exceptional and enigmatic text
Sophie Minon
Philological, linguistic and onomatological notes
Abstract : This long text in Ionian-Attic koinè found on a stone " errante " found not far from Larissa, but without any specific thessalism, hardly calls for any dialectological comment, since we are dealing with a standardized language. However, assuming that the writer was indeed of Thessalian origin, the choice of such a language, and hence the renunciation of dialect, at such an early date, the 2nd s. a. C., is remarkable (if this dating is reliable). (if this dating is reliable), when at the very least, the common discriminating feature of maintaining the /a:/ inherited in dialects other than Ionian-Attic (where /a:/ > /ε:/, hence: κεφαλά > κεφαλ ή) is often preserved until imperial times. Nothing of the sort here. The use of a standard, in the writing of the ritual narrative, seems in any case to indicate a panhellenic ambition for the frequentation of the sanctuary and initiation into the ritual of its cults. These critical notes will focus on the A side.
Corinne Bonnet, Fabio Porzia & Claudio Biagetti
Ex Oriente Lux ? The inscription as seen from the Near East
Abstract : The Marmarini inscription contains a series of features that refer to non-Greek usages : names of deities, names of festivals, ritual practices... However, it is very difficult to propose a coherent reading grid. One gets the impression of a new age-style cobbling together of elements from different horizons. We will therefore follow a few avenues in an attempt to shed light on the cultural and cultic horizons mobilized, and reflect on the very nature of this singular text and the actors it involves.