Auditorium Michel Laclotte du Louvre
Open to all

The January 16 event will be held at the Louvre in the Michel Laclotte auditorium, from 10 h to 18 h (free admission).


  • 10 h - 10 h 20
    Welcome address

    His Excellency Sardor Rustambaev, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to France and Gayane Umerova, Director of the Foundation for the Development of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan
  • 10  h 20 - 10  h 40

    Rocco Rante, Musée du Louvre
  • 10  h 40 - 11  h 20
    Alexandre au nord de l'Oxus :état des recherches dans les textes et sur le terrain
    Claude Rapin, Archéologie & Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident (AOROC), CNRS-ENS
  • 11  h 20 - 12  h
    Some results of the study of the monumental monastic complex of Karatepe in Old Termez [in Russian with translation]
    Shakir Pidaev, Director of theInstitute of Fine Arts of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  • 12  h - 12  h  40
    Architectural decoration in early Islam in Central Asia : the example of the stuccoes of the Square Mosque of Afrasiab
    Sandra Aube Lorain, Centre de Recherches sur le Monde Iranien, CNRS and
    Viola Allegranzi, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Iranistik
  • 15  h- 15  h 45
    Treasures of Kafirkala (materials on Soghd art)
    [in Russian with translation]
    Gennadiy Bogomolov, National Center of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

  • 15 h 45 - 16 h 30
    The " corans-reliques " of Katta Langar and Tashkent
    François Déroche, Collège de France, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

  • 16  h 30 - 17  h 15
    L'activité scientifique des savants d'Asie centrale à Baghdad du 9e au 11e siècle
    [in Russian with translation]
    Bakhrom Abdulkhalimov, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

  • 17  h 15 - 18  h
    Medieval glazed ceramics from the Tashkent oasis [in Russian with translation]
    Saida Ilyasova, National Center of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan