Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Moderated by : Valérie Stiegler

Philippe Droz-Vincent

Philippe Droz-Vincent is associate professor of political science and international relations, and a specialist in the Middle East. His research focuses on the role of the military and security in Middle Eastern countries(Military Politics of the Contemporary Arab World, Cambridge University Press, 2020), Arab revolutions, authoritarianism, transition processes and authoritarian regressions (" Fighting for a Monopoly on Governance, How the Assad regime "won" the Syrian War and to What Extent ", The Middle East Journal, 75(1), Spring 2021 and " The Renewed "Struggle for Syria": From the War 'in' Syria to the War 'over' Syria ", The International Spectator, 55(3), 2020). He has previously published a book on US policy in the Middle East, entitled : Vertiges de la puissance, le moment américain au Moyen-Orient (La Découverte, 2007).

Adlene Mohammedi

Adlene Mohammedi holds degrees in geopolitics, contemporary history and public international law, and is the author of a thesis on post-Soviet Russia's Arab policy (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). Since 2018, he has been coordinating various studies and observatories relating to the Arab world (Gulf, Yemen, Middle East, North Africa) for public bodies at AESMA (a private strategic research center), where he has been Scientific Director since 2021. He also writes regularly on the Arab world for various media (notably Middle East Eye) and teaches geopolitics at the University of Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle.

Valérie Stiegler

Valérie Stiegler is a doctoral student at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, associated with the Contemporary History of the Arab World Chair. Her research focuses on Georges Pompidou's Mediterranean policy during his presidential term (1969-1974). She has just published " M. Kadhafi vu par la diplomatie française " in the collective work Fréquenter les infréquentables. Le choix des interlocuteurs en diplomatie (CNRS Éditions, 2023).


Philippe Droz-Vincent

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Middle East specialist

Adlene Mohammedi

Graduate in geopolitics, contemporary history and public international law