Agir pour éducation - Visual launch party

Learning is essential. School, college, high school, university, vocational training, jobs... are all opportunities to develop the potential of each individual, from fundamental disciplinary knowledge (reading, spelling, mathematics...) to human values (collaboration, self-confidence, listening to and respecting opinions...). Yet today, the state of education in France is a cause for concern.

Why is there an urgent need to mobilize around education, and how can the Collège de France and its professors contribute? What does research tell us about the difficulties faced by students, and what are the possible areas for improvement? What can be done now to optimize learning at all levels of schooling?

These are just some of the questions explored at the launch event for the "Agir pour l'éducation" initiative, which brings together professors from the Collège de France to take stock of the state of education in France, and put all the dimensions of scientific knowledge at the service of schools to prepare our common future.

i don't see it as inevitable that our national education system will continue to underperform, but there is an urgent need to mobilize everyone - researchers, parents and teachers - in order to help our schools reconcile rigor, benevolence and pedagogical effectiveness, so that we can once again find the paths to success"
Pr Stanislas Dehaene, Chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology, leader of the "Agir pour l'éducation" initiative

The Agir pour l'éducation initiative is supported by the Fondation du Collège de France.