Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Irène Rosier-Catach is Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS (UMR "Histoire des Théories Linguistiques") and Director of Studies Emeritus at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (5th section). A specialist in the history of linguistic and semiotic ideas in the Middle Ages, she is the author of numerous publications in this field on the theories of Abelard, Roger Bacon, the Modists and Dante, and on linguistic issues in theological contexts (language of angels, divine names, sacramental speech), with particular attention to the performative dimension of language. In particular, she has published La parole comme acte (Vrin, 1994), La parole efficace (Seuil, 2004), with Anne Grondeux Priscien lu par Guillaume de Champeaux et son école (Brepols 2017), coordinated the annotated translation of Dante's De l'éloquence en vulgaire (Fayard, 2011), as well as the publication of the volumes Arts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe/XIIe siècles (Brepols, 2011), Le pouvoir des mots au Moyen Âge (Brepols, 2014), L'homme comme animal politique et parlant (forthcoming, Ecole française de Rome).


Irène Rosier Catach