Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Project supervised by : Pierre-Louis Lions, Chair of Partial Differential Equations and Applications.


Changes in agricultural practices are inevitable and necessary. Inevitable, because climate change is having a growing impact on agriculture and farmers' lives. Necessary, because agriculture plays a central role in adapting our world to climate change and in mitigating its effects.

At the heart of the MATS ("Modeling Agricultural TransitionS") project is the conviction that understanding and anticipating this evolution requires an economic and financial modeling effort that takes into account the interests of the various players involved and their interactions. It is also important to take into account sectors which, at first sight, might seem further removed from agricultural practice : water, energy, financial protection (insurance and guarantee funds).


Bertrand Villeneuve

Professor of Economics, Université Paris-Dauphine PSL

Benjamin Campech

Project Manager, Avenir Commun Durable, Collège de France