Catherine Meurisse

Catherine Meurisse was born in 1980. After studying modern literature, she went on to study at the École Estienne, then at the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs. In 2005, she joined the team at Charlie Hebdo. She also draws for magazines and daily newspapers, and illustrates children's books for various publishers. She has penned several comic strips, including Mes hommes de lettres (éditions Sarbacane, with a preface by Cavanna), or how to humorously fit all of French literature into a single album, Savoir-vivre ou mourir (éditions Les Échappées, with a preface by Claire Bretécher), a guide to good manners taught by Baroness de Rothschild, Le Pont des arts (éditions Sarbacane), a tale of friendships between painters and writers, and Moderne Olympia (éditions Futuropolis), a retelling of the myth of Romeo and Juliet.
With Editions Dargaud, she publishes Drôles de femmes, in collaboration with Julie Birmant, a collection of portraits of women in show business, as well as La légèreté, the story of her return to life, drawing and memory, after the attack on Charlie Hebdo. In 2016, she released Scènes de la vie hormonale, and in 2018 Les Grands Espaces. In 2019, with Delacroix, also published by Dargaud, Catherine Meurisse invites herself into the memories of Alexandre Dumas and his friendship with Eugène Delacroix. In January 2020, she becomes the first female cartoonist to be elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts.