Illustration Aude Bernheim

Lecture by Aude Bernheim, winner of the Collège de France Prize for Young Researchers 2022

All living organisms, from bacteria to elephants, face viruses. While the study of bacterial viruses is just over 100 years old, understanding of the mechanisms by which bacteria defend themselves against viral infections has long been limited to two major systems. In recent years, the scientific community has discovered that bacteria in fact use an immense diversity of systems to fight their viruses.

The exploration of this great diversity of antiviral molecular mechanisms is leading us to rethink immunity in all spheres of life, as well as their role in the evolution of immune systems, including in humans.The exploration of these systems promises applications in the fields of biotechnology and health, as well as a better understanding of microbial biodiversity.

In this lecture, Aude Bernheim, winner of the Prix du Collège de France 2022, will trace the history and present the prospects of the emerging scientific discipline of bacterial immunity.