Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The axiomatic treatment of scientific theories was at the heart of the philosophy of logic and mathematics program of the early 20th century, and was a fundamental feature of the philosophy of science until at least logical empiricism. More recently, general philosophy of science has moved towards less systematic approaches, approaches which, by undermining the unity of science at various levels, have also called into question the methodological unity based on the axiomatization of theories.

Is mathematics in step with the other sciences, or does it still have an interest in axiomatics ? And if this interest is no longer linked to the question of foundations, what can we still understand about axiomatics, and what might its objectives be ? When considering the relationship between axiomatics and mathematical practice, the social and architectural role of axiomatics comes to the fore .


Paola Cantù

Aix-Marseille University