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The seminar, devoted to political autobiography in the contemporary Arab world, focused on a series of Palestinian political autobiographies in conjunction with the  lecture:

  • Bahjat Abu Gharbieh, Fî khidam al-nidâl al-'arabî al-filastînî, mudhakkirât al-munâdil Bahjat abu Gharbiyyat (In the flow of the Arab-Palestinian struggle, memoires du combattant Bahjat abu Gharbieh), muassassat al-dirasât al-filastîniyyat, Beirut, 1993, Min al-Nakbat ila al-intifada (1949-2000) (From the Nakba to the intifada 1949-2000), Beirut 2004 ;
  • Anîs Sayigh, 'an Anîs Sayigh (on himself), Riad El-Rayyes Books, 2006 ;
  • Shafîq al-Hût, 'ishrûn 'âmân fî mundhamat al-tahrîr al-filastiniyyat, ahâdîth al-dihkriyât, 1964-1984 (20 ans à l'OLP, souvenirs), Beirut, 1986, Bayna al-watan w-al-al-manfî (entre la patrie et l'exil), Riad El-Rayyes Books, Beirut, 2007.
