Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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This lesson was designed to give, in an hour's time, an overview of the importance of 3D graphics creation in many fields (arts and humanities, science, technology), its potential to revolutionize the tasks of imagination, design and expression, and a clear idea of the nature of theresearch being carried out in computer graphics to advance in this direction. Several examples of challenges and associated solutions were described, from the creation of isolated 3D objects (volumetric sculptures, clothing), to that of virtual worlds with myriads of interacting and often animated elements (vegetation, hair, rugged terrain with waterfalls). I've shown how certain solutions manage to harmoniously blend mathematical modeling, real-time algorithms and "trompe l'oeil" graphic representations, allowing the user to control his or her creation while abstracting from the underlying complexity. Below, I detail some elements of this methodology.