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We resumed and completed our study of the monuments of Thutmose III in the Amun enclosure, passing briefly over the Red Chapel and the wȝḏyt, already commented on earlier. We then examined the nṯrỉ mnw and the Hatshepsut halls, improperly called the "palace of Ma'at", followed by the 6thpylon area and the enclosure of the bark resting place, the Annals sector, the constructions on the north-south axis, and, in particular, the Thutmose III Lake complex and the Sacred Lake itself. On this occasion, both the relative chronology of these constructions and the related cultic traffic routes were examined in depth. We then studied the eastern counter-temple, as well as the unique obelisk. At the end of this review, we returned to the subject of cultic traffic routes in the temple of Thutmose III, increasing the study previously made of processions, with regard to the "internal" circulation of the temple towards the main sanctuary.
