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As measurements at Hawaii's Mauna Loa observatory show, the partial pressure of atmosphericCO2 has risen sharply since 315 ppm in the late 1950s, and today stands at 400 ppm (parts per million by volume). Apart from a small seasonal variation ( 10 ppm), the continuous evolution ofCO2 corresponds to an annual increase of around 1 to 2 ppm. Taking into account equivalent measurements from other stations, this increase can be directly converted into billions of tonnes (GtC) of carbon per year (or petagram:1015 g PgC). At present, the evolution of the atmospheric stock is around 4 to 5 GtC/year. This increase can be directly compared with various anthropogenic emissions, notably fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. Current emissions are estimated at around 10 GtC/year. If we consider emissions balances since the beginning of the industrial era, we can also estimate a cumulative total of around 350 GtC injected into the atmosphere in the form ofCO2 (or ≈ 530 GtC if we include deforestation). A direct comparison betweenCO2 emissions and the evolution of the atmospheric stock shows that around half of theCO2 emitted is no longer in the atmosphere. This first-order observation is true both for the current increase (10 vs. 5 GtC/year) and for the cumulative evolution since the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm measured in the bubbles of Antarctic ice cores. In fact, excess carbon dioxide molecules have diffused to other reservoirs in the carbon cycle, notably the terrestrial biosphere and soils, as well as the ocean, which is the subject of this lecture.

The ocean is an enormous carbon reservoir, containing around 60 times more carbon than the atmosphere. Annual gross fluxes between the atmosphere and the ocean are an order of magnitude greater than anthropogenic disturbance. Nevertheless, these gross fluxes led to an equilibrium that maintained carbon stocks at a steady state over the course of centuries and millennia. Despite the relative smallness of the anthropogenic carbon flux, it is possible to track its penetration into the ocean and quantify the annual storage to verify the balance established by calculating the difference between emissions and the atmospheric stock.