Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Can thought exist without language ? The thesis of the identity of language and thought has been defended by some philosophers. In Theaetetus, Plato has Socrates say: I call thought " a discourse that the soul holds throughout to itself about the objects it examines ". Merleau-Ponty goes further : " thought has nothing interior about it, it does not exist outside the world and outside words "(Phenomenology of Perception, 1945). Ray Jackendoff attributes this idea to a kind of metacognitive illusion: " we very often experience our thoughts as a kind of inner monologue we literally hear words, phrases or sentences in our heads, and it is then really tempting to characterize thought as a kind of inner language. " As François Recanati also points out, however, this introspection can be explained by a simple parallelism between the two domains: the " contents " of thought would be independent of language, but, in the human species, speech would accompany any " activity " of even slightly complex thought.

Indeed, analysis of animal mental representations, using ethological and neuroscientific methods, proves Plato and Merleau-Ponty wrong : abstract and complex thought can very well exist in the absence of language. The brain of a mouse maps its environment, that of a macaque monkey represents the number of objects... all these species think, without words, at least if we define thought as the mental representation and manipulation of abstract information.

Cutting information

At minute 5:50, the excerpt presented by Stanislas Dehaene is the sketch " Ouï-dire " written and performed by Raymond Devos, an INA archive that we have cut to size.
This archive can be viewed here: https: // (the sketch " Ouï-dire " starts at 3:38).