Salle 5, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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After describing the integration procedure on quotient spaces, we derive Mirzakhani's first integration formula, which expresses the integral of functions of the type " length of a multi-curve " in terms of the volume of the moduli space of the multi-curve's complement. We then prove Bers' theorem and deduce that the Weil-Petersson volume of the moduli space is finite. Finally, we begin the proof of McShane's identity, generalized by Mirzakhani, and which constitutes the first step towards topological recursion formulas.

References :

M. Mirzakhani, Simple geodesics and Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces, Inventiones Math. 2006 (sections 3 and 4 and personal version of Theorem 8.1).

P. Buser, Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces, Modern Birkhäuser Classics, Section 5.1.

Corrected exercises and notes taken during the presentations are available on Thibaut Lemoine's page