Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Variations in CH4 content measured in the EPICA Dôme-C ice core in Antarctica can be traced back as far as 800,000 years BP. Long-term fluctuations can be explained by the superposition of cyclical components corresponding to the parameters of the Earth's orbit (precession, obliquity and eccentricity). Astronomical forcing has caused seasonal insolation to vary at different latitudes, leading to migrations of the inter-tropical convergence zone and changes in monsoon systems. These climatic variations have influenced methane sources and sinks in the intertropical zone.

By subtracting the cyclic component from the raw pCH4 record, a high-frequency component can be extracted. This clearly correlates with the rapid temperature variations observed in the northern hemisphere (Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events identified in Greenland ice). This rapid CH4 variability is also correlated with changes in the Asian monsoon recorded in Chinese stalagmites. The most recent DO event (DO1 or Bölling-Alleröd) enables us to study with great precision the phase shift between atmospheric CH4 and Greenland temperature. The results show that the two parameters have evolved almost synchronously, with a time lag of less than 25 years.

By considering the interhemispheric gradient of pCH4 over the same period (the difference between Greenland and Antarctic records), it is possible to propose CH4 emission scenarios involving both boreal sources linked to warming, and tropical sources linked to the reactivation of wetlands. To further discriminate sources, the 13C/12Cratio was measured in parallel with pCH4 for the last ice age. Surprisingly, variations in the 13C/12Cof CH4 are not correlated with those of pCH4, but follow fluctuations in atmospheric pCO2. This suggests thatCO2 also has a controlling effect on CH4-producing tropical ecosystems, notably on the ratio of C3 to C4 plants, the former being favoured by increases in pCO2.