Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


The sixth lecture returned to the question of giving semantics to programs that don't terminate. This question is of historical importance (it put a stop to Strachey's naive denotational semantics), but also practical (reactive programs like network servers must not terminate !)
A first approach, topological in nature, sees the semantics of a program as the limit of its finite behaviors. We have illustrated this on the IMP language, where it suffices to write an interpreter bounded by a maximum depth of computation, then to make this maximum depth tend towards infinity, to obtain a denotational semantics of IMP that characterizes both termination and divergence. For languages handling more complex data types, such as lambda-calculus, denotational semantics requires a richer topological structure, such as Scott domains.

Other approaches, more suited to type-theoretic mechanization, rely on coinductive definitions and reasoning. The lecture showed how to define and mechanize a natural semantics for diverging IMP programs in the form of a coinductive predicate that structures infinite sequences of reductions. Next, we introduced the partiality monad, invented by Capretta in 2005, which provides a coinductive and constructive representation of computations that can terminate or diverge. We studied how to write a reference interpreter for IMP in the partiality monad. With observational equivalence, this interpreter satisfies the equations of IMP's operational semantics, thus providing a constructive alternative to topological approaches.