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E Hannezo, J Prost, JF Joanny "Theory of epithelial sheet morphology in three dimensions" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 27-32 (2014).

Allon M. Klein, Toshinori Nakagawa, Rie Ichikawa, Shosei Yoshida, and Benjamin D. Simons "Mouse Germ Line Stem Cells Undergo Rapid and Stochastic Turnover" Cell Stem Cell 7, 2014-224 (2010).

Allon M. Klein and Benjamin D. Simons Universal patterns of stem cell fate in cycling adult tissues Development 138, 3103-3111 (2011).

Carlos Lopez-Garcia, Allon M. Klein, Benjamin D. Simons, Douglas J. Winton "Intestinal Stem Cell Replacement Follows a Pattern of Neutral Drift" Science 330, 822 (2010).

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Elizabeth Clayton, David P. Doupe, Allon M. Klein, Douglas J. Winton, Benjamin D. Simons and Philip H. Jones "A single type of progenitor cell maintains normal epidermis" Nature 446,185 (2010).

CLGJ Scheele, E Hannezo, MJ Muraro, A Zomer, NSM Langedijk, ... "Identity and dynamics of mammary stem cells during branching morphogenesis" Nature 542 (7641), 313-317 (2017)

E Hannezo, CLGJ Scheele, M Moad, N Drogo, R Heer, RV Sampogna, ... A unifying theory of branching morphogenesis Cell 171 (1), 242-255. (2017).