
Deconstruction and reconstruction (end). Rewriting the history of medieval philosophy

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The aim of the lecture in this, the last year of the course, was to propose the elements, indications and cornerstones of a necessarily partial rewriting of the history of medieval philosophy. After a final methodological reminder concerning philosophical archaeology, the history of concepts, the history of ideas, the notions of plots and itineraries, and the critical aim with regard to the Heideggerian Grand Narrative of the history of philosophy, we decided that we would follow neither a linear chronological order nor the order suggested by the Philosophy of Language and Mind sequence, instead, we would follow the reverse order, reserving the philosophy of language for the closing seminar in April with Irène Rosier-Catach, on Philosophy of Language and Theology in the Middle Ages. Abstracts for each of the sixteen one-hour sessions can be found here.
