Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The remarkable ability to generate an embryo from a single fertilized oocyte, to periodically replace dying cells within tissues and to repair tissues damaged during injury, is a direct consequence of stem cells, nature's gift to multicellular organisms. The gold standard of stem cells is the fertilized egg, which produces an organism replete with ~ 220 specialized cell types, including reproductive germ stem cells. As the embryo first develops, an outer protective shell of support cells, referred to as the trophectoderm, encases an undifferentiated mass (the inner cell mass) of pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells that will make the animal. As tissues and organs develop, stem cells become more restricted in their options (Fuchs et al. 2004; Fuchs 2007).

Although cell type specification is largely complete at or shortly after birth, organs must possess a mechanism to replenish those cells within the tissue that die or become damaged with age. This process of cell replacement by natural wear and tear is referred to as homeostasis, and is fueled by adult stem cells which typically reside within a tissue. Some tissues, like the skin epidermis or intestinal epithelium, undergo constant turnover and rejeuvenation involving the entire tissue. For other tissues/organs, e.g. the brain, it has only been recently that scientists have appreciated the existence of stem cells that have the ability to replenish specialized neurons, glial cells and oligodendrocytes over time, even if this capacity is much reduced in comparison to the hematopoietic system or epithelial tissues. Increasing evidence is pointing to the view that most tissues of the body have adult stem cells.

Like ES cells, adult stem cells undergo self-renewal, the ability to divide to generate self, and the ability to generate cells that will differentiate to produce tissues. Adult stem cells, however, typically give rise to only a few different types of tissues, a feature often referred to as multipotent. Some stem cells, e.g. germ stem cells, are thought to give rise to only one lineage, in this case, either oocyte (female germ stem cells) or sperm (male germ stem cells). Given the fountain of youth ability of adult stem cells to generate tissues during normal homeostasis and wound-repair, these stem cells are typically set aside in protected reservoirs within the developing tissue. They are often used sparingly, and hence undergo fewer divisions than their activated progeny. The protective niches are composed not only of stem cells but also a complex "microenvironment" of neighboring differentiated cell types which secrete and organize a diverse range of extracellular matrix and other factors that allow stem cells to manifest their unique intrinsic properties (Fuchs et al. 2004; Moore and Lemischka 2006; Morrison and Kimble 2006).

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