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Event Demetrios Christodoulou Curvature Estimates and the Causal Structure of Spacetime Guest lecturer 6 May 2009 10:00 - 11:00
Event Jeremy Popkin The press in the revolutionary era (1789-1799) (2) Guest lecturer 20 May 2009 14:30 - 15:30
Series System and perception Pierre Boulez, chair Invention, technique and language in music Seminar Introduction notion of listening network ; recognizable/unrecognizable objects ; importance of object analysis speed; relationship between the richness of musical language and the complexity of the object. The "realized" musical object structural … 01 Sep 1987
Series Untitled lecture Pierre Boulez, chair Invention, technique and language in music Lecture Of all the qualities of the professional musician that the amateur wonders about, the ability to imagine the sound result without an instrumental intermediary, simply by reading a score, comes to the fore. How can he mentally transcribe the written code … 01 Sep 1987
Event Stephen Harrap Baldness Genetics More than Skin Deep Guest lecturer The condition male pattern baldness is common, estimated to be present in 50% of white males by 50 years of age. It is characterized by the loss of hair from the scalp in a defined pattern and, although there are no serious direct health consequences, the … 18 May 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Jeremy Popkin The press in the revolutionary era (1789-1799) (1) Guest lecturer 13 May 2009 14:30 - 15:30
Event Stephen Harrap Resetting Genetic Predisposition to Hypertension Guest lecturer Conditions such as high blood pressure generally become obvious in middle age. But what explains the transition from normal blood pressures to high blood pressure? One might expect to find clues to the processes around early adulthood, when genes that … 11 May 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Stephen Harrap Applying Epidemiological Principles to Clinical Trials Lessons in Stroke and Diabetes Guest lecturer Cardiovascular disease is now endemic worldwide and no longer limited to economically developed countries [1]. In developed countries, cardiovascular disease accounts for about 35% of all deaths. Similar rates, but among younger age groups, are now being … 4 May 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Sheldon Pollock Hermeneutics and the Transformation of Aesthetics in Classical india Guest lecturer 7 May 2009 11:00 - 12:00
Event Jürgen Paul State and society in Iran (from the year 1000 to the Mongol conquest) (4) Guest lecturer 19 May 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Jürgen Paul State and society in Iran (from the year 1000 to the Mongol conquest) (3) Guest lecturer 12 May 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Jürgen Paul State and society in Iran (from the year 1000 to the Mongol conquest) (2) Guest lecturer 5 May 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Jean-Marie Lehn Recent advances in molecular and supramolecular chemistry (2) Seminar 9 Apr 2009 16:15 - 17:15
Event Jürgen Paul State and society in Iran (from the year 1000 to the Mongol conquest) (1) Guest lecturer 28 Apr 2009 17:00 - 18:00
Event Mireille Delmas-Marty Faced with the risks of a hegemonic order or anarchic disorder, the chances of an ordered pluralism.. Lecture Documents and media Download map and bibliography … 18 Apr 2005 14:30 - 15:30
Event Jean-Marie Lehn Recent advances in molecular and supramolecular chemistry (1) Seminar 26 Mar 2009 16:15 - 17:15
Event Guy Stroumsa Christian memories and visions of Jerusalem in a Jewish and Islamic context Guest lecturer The Temple Mount, or, under its Muslim name, the Haram al-Sharif, in Jerusalem, offers a rare example of a sacred site to which several religious traditions refer. It constitutes a very special case for the historian of religions, who can follow the … 3 Apr 2009 11:00 - 12:00