Published on 31 January 2024

Prix du Collège de France 2024

Prix du Collège de France 2024: Water on our planet

The Collège de France 2024 Prize will be awarded in the natural sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer sciences.

The theme of the year's prize 2024 is : " Water on our planet ".

The habitable conditions of our planet depend to a large extent on the presence and distribution of water on Earth. Scientific research is helping us to better understand the complexity of the water cycle, and to preserve this precious resource that is essential to sustaining life on Earth and the well-being of human societies.

The prize is worth 20 000 euros. The winner is also invited to give a public lecture at the Collège de France on his or her work.

Applications will be received fromMarch 1 march to April 30 2024, exclusively by electronic submission.

The 2023 jury is made up of four professors from the Collège de France and one external member.

President : Edouard Bard, geochemist and paleoclimatologist, holder of the Climate and Ocean Evolution chair at the Collège de France.

The other members of the jury are :

  • for Collège  professors: Ms. Françoise Combes, Mr. Jean-François Joanny, Mr. Clément Sanchez.
  • for the external member : Ms. Françoise Vimeux, climatologist, research director at IRD, attached to the Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement and the Laboratoire Hydrosciences Montpellier.

Candidates currently working in a public research laboratory in France are required to contact an active university professor or research director, who will support their application with a letter of introduction and recommendation. The application must be submitted by the candidate via a dedicated digital platform.