Published on 23 November 2018

November 29: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute

november 23, 2018

In partnership with the Collège de France, iReMMO, AFP and France Médias monde, the Arab World Institute is launching a new rendez-vous to decipher current events.

Connected to the flow of information, the Rendez-vous de l'actualité is a moment of deciphering, exchange and perspective for all, on the latest events in the Arab world. Set a few days before the event, the subject, question or event discussed will be taken from the region's immediate news, so as to be as close as possible to what's happening.

Thursday November 29 at 7pm:

"Arms sales, wars: what responsibilities?"

This meeting will obviously echo the conflict raging in Yemen and the French implications, but also military diplomacy with Egypt and Libya among other countries in the Arab world.

Pierre Haski will host this Rendez-vous, and the speakers will be Denis Bauchard, former diplomat and Middle East advisor to the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), Hélène Legeay, independent human rights consultant, and Philippe Gunet, former Air Force general and former military attaché to Yemen.


  • Denis Bauchard, former diplomat, consultant to IFRI (Institut français des relations internationales)

A former diplomat, Denis Bauchard spent a large part of his career in North Africa and the Middle East, or dealing with Middle Eastern affairs at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was Ambassador to Jordan, Director for North Africa and the Middle East, Director of the Private Office of Foreign Minister Hervé de Charette, and Ambassador to Canada. After serving as President of the Institut du Monde Arabe (2002-2004), he is now a consultant, notably to the Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI). He is the author of Le Nouveau monde arabe (André Versaille éditeur, 2012) and co-director of the Avicenne report Maghreb-Moyen-Orient, une priorité de politique étrangère pour la France (March 2017).

  • Philippe Gunet, political analyst

A political analyst specializing in defense and security issues, Philippe Gunet, a graduate of Inalco in Arabic language and civilization, devoted his career to the Middle East in intelligence and then in military cooperation, until the end of his active service in 2012. He also served as military attaché in the French embassies in Jordan (1996 - 2000) and Yemen (2003 - 2006). Since the end of 2013, General Gunet has been a member of the editorial board of the online magazine Orient XXI.

  • Hélène Legeay, independent human rights consultant

Formerly head of the Maghreb and Middle East programs for ACAT (Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture), she is now an independent consultant specializing in war crimes and the legal framework governing arms transfers. She notably contributed to a report published in April 2018 on the legality of French arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the context of the Yemeni conflict.

Hosted by :

  • Pierre Haski, journalist, Geopolitical columnist on France Inter and L'Obs, Co-founder of Rue89 and President of Reporters sans Frontières (RSF)