Salle 4, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


Greek and Roman thought developed two notions - epieikeia and aequitas - which are often translated, in modern languages, by a single term " l'équité ". Is this really a single notion ? This seminar exploresepieikeia andaequitas - in the rhetorical sphere and in the legal field - to highlight, in addition to certain points in common, their many differences. This seminar is an extension of the 2021 lecture "  L' équité. A Roman history of the desire for justice and the colloquium" by Prof. Mantovani. Another meeting, with Prof. Lorenzo Maniscalco, on the reception of these two notions in medieval thought and humanism, will take place on April 19 2023.


Évelyne Scheid-Tissinier

Honorary Professor of History at the University of Paris XIII