Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Over the past century, considerable progress has been made in our understanding of the molecular basis of heredity and the processes by which our genetic information is stored, read and replicated by DNA. In complex organisms, the challenge is to understand how DNA is wound up in the nucleus, how it is expressed or " read " in some cells and not in others, and how genes are regulated to produce a wide diversity of cells. Why do people with identical genotypes (twins, for example, or even, in bees, workers as opposed to queens) differ in their phenotype ? How can a single cell, the fertilized egg, give rise to hundreds of different cell types, each with a specialized role during the organism's development, despite the fact that the DNA information is identical in each of these cells ? How can genes be expressed in some cells but not in others ? How is it possible that a particular cell type not only knows which gene to reproduce, but also remembers that it must continue to express it, sometimes for several years, or over hundreds of cell division cycles ? Furthermore, once differentiation has taken place, how is it possible that this process is sometimes reversible ? For example, at the moment of fertilization, when the highly differentiated cells of the sperm and ovum come into contact with each other, everything starts all over again to create life. Or in the case of cancer, where dedifferentiation is often observed. Or in our test tubes, where we know that a limited number of protein factors (which regulate genes) are capable of readapting cells to generate an entire organism. This process holds out the promise of extraordinary therapeutic potential ; however, it is slow and inefficient, so why ? What are the obstacles ? All these considerations have something to do with the fact that DNA is associated with chemical modifications, proteins and RNA, all of which are capable of modulating its readability - and consequently gene expression - as well as the hereditary nature of expression states through cell division.